Homelessness in Lewes
“Surely there isn’t a homeless problem in Lewes?”
That’s the response we often hear when we talk to people about our charity work.
Sadly, there is.
And it’s not confined to the rough sleepers you see outside Boots or in the shop doorways on the High Street. There are many hidden homeless and vulnerable people staying in temporary housing, squats, or ‘sofa surfing’.
Homelessness is also a potential threat hanging over many people living in private accommodation, who may currently have a job and a place in their local community. Rents go up (on average a rise of 13% from 2015 to 2020) but despite increases to the cap on Local Housing Allowance, it severely restricts access to the private rented sector for those on lower incomes. Just a slight change in circumstance, such as a relationship breakdown, redundancy, or ill health and ‘ordinary’ people end up on the streets.
During 2020/21 there were 433 formal homelessness applications progressed by the Council’s housing needs services and 86 households in temporary accommodation in Lewes at the end of March 2021. The demand for social housing is very high, with 1,050 preferential need households on the council’s housing register in March 2021.
Our local council struggles to house people due to a lack of available social housing, spiralling private rents and welfare cuts.
But while arguments rage over how to solve the problem and who’s to blame for it, we prefer to address the problem head-on by supporting the people it affects right here in Lewes.
That’s why we started our charity Lewes Open Door, and that’s why we need you to help us make a difference for some of the most vulnerable people in our midst.
“I have been coming to Lewes Open Door for about a year and they’ve been amazing.
I’m living in a tent and they provide me with hot meals, warm clothing, bedding and a place to wash.
The practical help Lewes Open Door provides is invaluable, but the best thing about the place is the people I’ve met and the friendships I’ve made with the volunteers.
They’re wonderful people and I consider them Family. The feeling of Family and Community at Lewes Open Door is truly special and I cannot thank all the people who make it happen enough.
God Bless.”
Our immediate goal at Lewes Open Door is to provide:
A drop-in homeless centre where guests can get a nourishing meal, wash, and collect clean clothes and bedding
Support with housing and benefits queries, filling in paperwork, access to the internet and contact details of agencies that may be able to offer additional support
A chance for our guests to have a chat and be listened to
We also recognise that social isolation and exclusion blights the lives of many others. Our aim is to extend practical help and support to those who, for whatever reason, may also feel excluded from mainstream society and are finding it difficult to cope, including those with drug, alcohol addiction, or suffering from loneliness.

In 2017, Lewes resident Thomas Schorr-Kon was increasingly concerned about the growing number of rough sleepers on our streets. So, with a group of like-minded people, he decided to do something about it by opening a drop-in day homeless centre in Station Street, originally called Re-Homing Lewes.
In 2018, and with the new name of Lewes Open Door, the homeless centre moved to St John sub Castro and from there to Westgate Chapel.
In 2019 we acquired charitable status and established Lewes’ first Winter Night Shelter.
At lockdown in March 2020 we closed our drop-in at Westgate Chapel but were able to continue supporting our guests, with a combination of food drops, hot food and drinks delivered from the back of our cars and then over the summer with a pop-up at St John sub Castro.
We reopened our drop-in at Christ Church in September 2020, and apart from a brief Covid enforced lockdown early in 2021. We have worked closely with the foodbank based at Christchurch and have helped to organize several events celebrating the connections made between our guests, foodbank users and our friends from Ukraine. Note that we have currently suspended our drop-in pending a decision on our next steps to be made early in 2024.
We are a non-faith based philanthropic organisation and welcome all, but are very grateful for the kindness and practical help that many of our local churches have offered. Not least for the use of their facilities and reaching out to their congregations for donations and volunteers.
Ready to help?