Covid-19 Lockdown

It is with great disappointment that, in response to the government guidelines of 23rd March, Lewes Open Door will have to suspend our Westgate drop-in.

We urgently need more volunteers, since unfortunately many of our usual stalwarts are themselves in a vulnerable category or caring for someone that is. If you feel able to offer then please get in touch via the Contact Form.


Our plan will be to reopen or offer a takeaway service, as soon as possible – ensuring that we conform to all the Government social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

We are in touch with all those guests that we can contact, but urge any that need urgent help or assistance to phone us on: 07985 418079

Lewes District Council have reiterated that any rough sleepers that need accommodation should contact them urgently, either by phone or in person at Southover House.

Claire Underwood