Coronavirus (Covid-19)
For as long as possible we want to be able to help and support our vulnerable and homeless guests in these challenging times, whilst doing everything we can to stop the spread of Covid-19 in our community.
Mindful of the fact that many of our guests and volunteers may fall into vulnerable categories, we have changed our lunchtime drop-in procedures and have advised our volunteers and guests that if they are fall into any of the high-risk categories, or are feeling unwell, they should not attend.
We are opening for just one hour daily, from 1pm to 2pm, to serve hot takeaway meals & drinks. Our guests will have access to hand-washing and toilet facilities. The drop-in will be manned in such a way that our volunteers and guests can maintain social distancing.
Our cleaning and hygiene procedures have been increased to minimise any risk of contamination. We have notices to remind everyone of hand-washing & good hygiene procedures, and plentiful supplies of *hand wash and paper towels.
We will continue to advise and help our guests to access services.
Lewes District Council have advised that if any of our verified rough sleepers develop symptoms of Coronavirus they should make contact, preferably by telephone, when the council will seek to make provision for those individuals to self-isolate, and access the important services that they need. Rough sleepers without access to a telephone will be able to use the Lewes Open Door mobile phone and/or the phones in council contact centres in order to speak to their key workers.
We are updating our procedures daily in line with the latest Government and Public Health England advice.
*Special thanks to Whiteman & Parrish who have donated handwash & paper towels.