Winter Night Shelter Continues...
After a successful four-week trial period we are pleased to announce that we intend to run the Winter Night Shelter until the end of March 2020.
This has been made possible through the hard work and commitment of our volunteers. Here’s what a couple have to say about their work at Open Door.
“I’d spent years seeing the homeless people in town wondering how I could really help. Giving money or food didn’t always seem like the right thing to do. Now Lewes Open Door has set up something that’s properly structured, I can contribute time, get to know the guests and see first hand what a difference having a warm, safe bed makes to their lives.”
“Offering the odd night to help out at the night shelter is no skin off my nose… being part of a bigger team who can keep our local homeless out of the cold and rain is what’s important.”
We still need more volunteers.
Could you give one or two nights or early mornings a month to support us?
Please email us at if you can or for more information.